
Showing posts from October, 2017


  Task 6.5 Make a  GradeBook  class with  courseName  and  grades  fields. Where  courseName  is a String and  grades  is 2-dimensional int array. Each row represent one student and each of that row contains marks in different tests of that particulat student. Below array is just an example, it contains marks of 2 students, 1st student given 2 tests, 2nd given 3 tests. int[][] marks = {    {80,90},    {70, 95, 80} }; Get number of students from user input. Number of tests for each student may be different, so your program shall take number of tests from user input too, of each student. After fully initializing the  GradeBook  object, print following statistics: Which student given maximum tests, print just index. Assume, index represent student id Who got maximum average marks Average marks of the class Average marks of each student in class Minimum marks of each student  Maximum m...

Books and Solutions

Books and S olution Books for Help Multi-variable Calculus: Book and Solution: Discrete Structures: Book and Solution:                Regards:  Usama Anwar Butt